What is agro pastoral farming system?

Agro-pastoral farming system: also known as mixed farming, is a farming system that combines crop cultivation and livestock production. This system involves herding livestock, while also cultivating crops on arable land.

Agro-pastoral farming system are predominantly practiced in semi-arid regions where rainfall is too low for reliable crop production but also allows cultivation of crops during wet season.

- Agro-pastoralists generally keep a mix of livestock species which may include cattle, goats, sheep, donkeys and chickens among others.

- The livestock provide manure that's used to fertilize the crops, and the crops provide feed for the livestock during dry seasons when pastures are less productive.

- This type of farming system maximizes resource utilization and reduces risk because if crops fail due to drought, farmers can fall back on livestock, and vice versa.

- Agro-pastoral farming system is widely practiced in Sub- Saharan Africa, and other semi-arid regions of Asia and Latin America.