What are the stages of a moose?

The stages of a moose's life are:

1. Newborn (calf): Moose calves are born in the spring, usually in May or June. They weigh between 25 and 35 pounds at birth and are covered in a reddish-brown coat. Calves are vulnerable to predators and rely on their mothers for protection and food.

2. Yearling: Yearling moose are about 1 year old and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. They have grown significantly since birth and their coat has changed to a darker brown. Yearlings are still learning how to survive on their own and often stay with their mothers until the following spring.

3. Subadult: Subadult moose are between 2 and 3 years old and weigh between 400 and 500 pounds. They are almost full-grown and have developed their characteristic antlers. Subadults are independent of their mothers but may still stay close to them for safety.

4. Adult: Adult moose are at least 3 years old and weigh between 800 and 1,200 pounds. They are fully mature and have large, impressive antlers. Adult moose are solitary animals except during the breeding season.

5. Old: Old moose are typically over 10 years old and have worn or broken antlers. They may also have gray hair and a reduced body size. Old moose are often less healthy and may be more susceptible to predators and disease.