What are some the animals that Corps of Discovery found?


- American bison

- Black bear

- Bobcat

- Coyote

- Elk

- Grizzly bear

- Mountain goat

- Mountain lion

- Mule deer

- Muskrat

- Otter

- Prairie dog

- Pronghorn antelope

- Raccoon

- Red fox

- Sea otter

- Shrew

- Squirrel

- Vole

- Wolf


- Bald eagle

- Canada goose

- Common loon

- Golden eagle

- Great blue heron

- Great horned owl

- Mallard duck

- Northern flicker

- Osprey

- Pelican

- Red-headed woodpecker

- Robin

- Ruffed grouse

- Sage grouse

- Sandhill crane

- Seagull

- Snowy owl

- Sparrow

- Swainson's hawk

- Turkey

- Western meadowlark

- Woodpecker


- Chinook salmon

- Chum salmon

- Coho salmon

- Cutthroat trout

- Dogfish

- Dolly Varden

- Flounder

- Halibut

- Lingcod

- Pacific cod

- Rainbow trout

- Rockfish

- Sablefish

- Sculpin

- Sockeye salmon

- Steelhead trout

- Sturgeon

- Whitefish


- Alligator snapping turtle

- Common snapping turtle

- Gila monster

- Painted turtle

- Rattlesnake

- Western fence lizard


- Bullfrog

- Green frog

- Leopard frog

- Northern Pacific treefrog

- Red-legged frog

- Spotted frog

- Tiger salamander