Inbreeding is the mating of closely related individuals, such as siblings or parents and offspring. This can lead to a decrease in genetic diversity, which can make a population more susceptible to disease, parasites, and other environmental stressors. Inbreeding can also lead to an increase in the expression of harmful recessive genes, which can cause a variety of health problems.
Loss of habitat
Loss of habitat is a major threat to many animal species. When an animal's habitat is destroyed, it can lose its food source, shelter, and breeding grounds. This can make it difficult for the animal to survive and reproduce, which can lead to a decline in the population.
Hunting and poaching
Hunting and poaching are two other major threats to animal species. Hunting is the legal killing of animals for food, sport, or other purposes. Poaching is the illegal killing of animals, often for their fur, skin, or other body parts. Hunting and poaching can both reduce the population of a species, making it more difficult for the species to survive.
Climate change
Climate change is a major threat to many animal species. Climate change can cause changes in the environment that make it difficult for animals to survive. For example, rising temperatures can make it difficult for animals to regulate their body temperature. Changes in precipitation can make it difficult for animals to find food and water. Climate change can also lead to the spread of disease, which can further reduce the population of a species.