Operant conditioning: Animals can also learn through operant conditioning, which is a type of associative learning that involves rewards and punishments. For example, a dog may learn to sit when its owner says "sit" because it knows it will get a treat.
Classical conditioning: Classical conditioning is another type of associative learning that involves linking two stimuli together. For example, a dog may learn to salivate when it hears a bell because it associates the bell with food.
Insight learning: Insight learning is a type of learning that occurs when an animal suddenly understands how to solve a problem. For example, a chimpanzee may learn how to use a stick to reach a piece of fruit that is out of its reach.
Imprinting: Imprinting is a type of learning that occurs in some animals during a critical period early in life. For example, newly hatched ducklings imprint on the first moving object they see, which is usually their mother. This helps them stay close to her and learn from her.