Rats and Mice: Found in urban and rural areas, rats and mice are known for their ability to chew through various materials, including wood, wires, and even concrete.
Beavers: Famous for building dams, beavers use their powerful teeth to cut down trees and branches for construction and food.
Squirrels: Squirrels gnaw on nuts, seeds, and tree bark to retrieve food and create hiding places.
Chipmunks: Similar to squirrels, chipmunks gnaw on acorns, nuts, and seeds to stock their winter food supplies.
Porcupines: Porcupines have specialized teeth they use to gnaw on bark, roots, and twigs.
Hamsters and Gerbils: Commonly kept as pets, hamsters and gerbils have a need to constantly gnaw on chew toys, seeds, and nuts to wear down their teeth.
Gnawing behavior in these animals serves several purposes, including obtaining food, building nests, defending against predators, and maintaining proper dental health.