What is an example of evolution with a species that you can observe within your lifetime?

Evolution of Resistance: Evolution within a lifetime can be seen in the resistance of organisms to pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, and other substances.

Examples of Evolution:

1. Antibiotic Resistance: Bacteria can evolve to become resistant to antibiotics, making infections more challenging to treat. For example, the rise of antibiotic resistance in bacteria like *Staphylococcus aureus* (MRSA) or *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* (MDR-TB) has occurred relatively quickly in recent decades.

2. Pesticide Resistance: Insects can develop resistance to insecticides used in pest control. For instance, the fruit fly has evolved to tolerate pesticides such as DDT and other insecticides, allowing them to survive pest control measures.

3. Weed Resistance: Weeds can become resistant to herbicides, making them difficult to control in agricultural settings. For example, glyphosate-resistant weeds have emerged as a significant issue, posing challenges to weed management and crop production.

4. Drug Resistance: Some cancer cells may evolve resistance to chemotherapy drugs over time, leading to difficulties in treating cancer.

5. Industrial Melanism: This phenomenon is particularly evident in certain moth species like the peppered moth (Biston betularia), which experienced a significant shift in their wing coloration in response to industrial pollution during the 19th century. The evolution of darker moths allowed for improved camouflage against the soot-darkened trees, giving them a selective advantage in polluted areas.

These examples demonstrate that evolutionary changes can occur within a relatively short period, especially when organisms are exposed to strong selection pressures imposed by environmental changes or human activities.