What doess civilization mean?

Civilization refers to a complex and advanced form of human society that has developed over time. It is characterized by several key features:

- Social organization: Civilizations typically have a complex social structure with various levels of hierarchy, including political systems, economic systems, and social classes.

- Cultural development: Civilizations have developed rich and diverse cultures, including artistic expressions, literature, philosophy, religion, and social norms.

- Technological advancements: Civilizations have made significant advancements in technology, including engineering feats such as construction, transportation, and communication.

- Urbanization: Civilizations are often associated with the development of permanent and substantial urban centers, where populations concentrate.

- Written language: Civilizations typically develop systems of written language, which allow for the recording and transmission of knowledge.

- Institutionalized systems: Civilizations establish various institutional systems, such as legal frameworks, education, healthcare, and government, to maintain order and facilitate societal functions.

- Economic development: Civilizations engage in economic activities beyond basic subsistence farming, including trade, commerce, and specialization of labor.

These characteristics are not necessarily present in all civilizations and can vary in their specific manifestations. However, the presence of these features generally distinguishes a civilized society from simpler forms of human societies.