What animals live in the thermocline?

Many types of animals live in the thermocline, including:

- Swordfish

- Thresher sharks

- Blue marlin

- White marlin

- Sailfish

- Spearfish

- Wahoo

- Dolphin fish (mahi-mahi)

- Tuna

- Barracuda

- King mackerel

- Spanish mackerel

- Cobia

- Amberjack

- Grouper

- Snapper

- Porgy

- Triggerfish

- Angelfish

- Butterflyfish

- Wrasse

- Parrotfish

- Tangs

- Surgeonfish

- Moorish idol

- Lionfish

- Scorpionfish

- Stonefish

- Sea urchins

- Starfish

- Brittle stars

- Sea cucumbers

- Jellyfish

- Siphonophores

- Salps

- Pyrosomes

- Doliolids

- Chaetognaths

- Arrow worms

- Copepods

- Amphipods

- Isopods

- Mysids

- Euphausiids

- Decapod larvae

- Squid

- Octopus