The subspecies name, _familiaris_, is often omitted, as it is understood that the term _Canis lupus_ refers to the domestic dog. The subspecies name is sometimes used to distinguish the domestic dog from other subspecies of _Canis lupus_, such as the gray wolf (_Canis lupus lupus_) and the coyote (_Canis lupus latrans_).
The scientific name for the domestic dog can be written in a variety of ways. The most common form is _Canis lupus familiaris_, but it can also be written as _Canis familiaris_ or _Canis lupus f. familiaris_. The abbreviation _C.l. familiaris_ is also sometimes used.
The scientific name for the domestic dog is a reminder of the close relationship between humans and dogs. Dogs are the oldest domesticated animals, and they have played a vital role in human history. They have been used for hunting, herding, transportation, and companionship. Today, dogs are still beloved pets and companions to people all over the world.