Examples from different regions using similar available species:
- First, he highlights cases of different cultural groups living in similar environments with varying degrees of success in domesticating related species, such as the Native Americans' unsuccessful attempts to domesticate the American buffalo compared to the success of Eurasian groups with aurochs and other wild cattle species.
Selective criteria are not exclusive to certain cultures:
- Second, Diamond argues that the criteria used for selecting species for domestication were largely similar across cultures, such as the desired traits of size, behavior, and dietary preferences, rather than being based solely on cultural preferences or taboos.
Rapid domestication of species in specific regions:
- Third, he cites instances of rapid and independent domestication of certain species, such as dogs and horses, in multiple regions by different groups, indicating that cultural factors were not the sole determinants.
Importance of cultural and environmental factors:
- While Diamond acknowledges that cultural factors may have played a role in the ultimate use and integration of domesticated animals into society, particularly related to selective breeding for desired traits, he emphasizes the significance of environmental constraints and the inherent characteristics of the species.