* Seaweeds: Various species of seaweeds, including kelp, bladder wrack, and fucus, are found in the intertidal zone.
* Lichens: Lichens, which are symbiotic organisms composed of algae and fungi, are common on the island's rocky surfaces.
* Mosses: Several species of mosses, such as Grimmia and Ceratodon, can be found in sheltered areas.
* Flowering Plants: A few flowering plants have colonized Surtsey, including sea campion, scurvy grass, and common chickweed.
* Birds: A wide variety of birds visit and nest on Surtsey, including black guillemots, northern fulmars, kittiwakes, and puffins.
* Seals: Harbor seals and gray seals are occasional visitors to the island.
* Invertebrates: Various invertebrate species have been found on Surtsey, including insects, spiders, and mites.
* Marine Invertebrates: The surrounding waters are home to diverse marine invertebrates such as sea urchins, starfish, and barnacles.
Please note that the list above is not exhaustive, and the flora and fauna of Surtsey are still evolving as the island continues to develop and change over time.