What physical characteristics exist in Philadelphia such as plant and animal life?

Philadelphia, being a major metropolitan area, has a diverse range of plant and animal life within its boundaries. Here are some notable physical characteristics of Philadelphia's flora and fauna:

1. Trees and Plants:

- Tree Canopy: Philadelphia has a significant tree canopy, with an estimated 20 million trees. Tree species commonly found include American Elm, Red Maple, White Oak, Sycamore, and Black Walnut.

- Flowering Plants: Philadelphia's parks and gardens showcase various flowering plants, including roses, azaleas, daffodils, tulips, and lilies.

- Wildflowers: In natural areas and parks, wildflowers like violets, buttercups, daisies, and dandelions can be found.

2. Birds:

- Songbirds: Philadelphia is home to numerous songbird species, including Cardinals, Blue Jays, Chickadees, Titmice, and Sparrows.

- Waterfowl: The city's waterways and parks attract waterfowl such as Mallard Ducks, Canada Geese, and Wood Ducks.

- Birds of Prey: Raptors like Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, and Great Horned Owls inhabit Philadelphia's urban and natural areas.

3. Mammals:

- White-tailed Deer: These deer can be found in wooded areas within the city, primarily in parks and wildlife refuges.

- Raccoons: Raccoons are commonly spotted in urban areas, particularly at night, and often make their homes in attics or under porches.

- Squirrels: Philadelphia is home to several squirrel species, including Gray Squirrels, Red Squirrels, and Flying Squirrels.

4. Amphibians and Reptiles:

- Frogs and Toads: Common frog and toad species include Bullfrogs, Green Frogs, Leopard Frogs, and American Toads.

- Snakes: Nonvenomous snake species like Garter Snakes, Eastern Rat Snakes, and Northern Ringneck Snakes can be found in Philadelphia.

- Turtles: The city's ponds, rivers, and streams are habitats for turtles such as Snapping Turtles, Painted Turtles, and Red-eared Sliders.

5. Insects:

- Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds play a vital role in pollinating the city's numerous flowering plants.

- Beetles: Philadelphia is home to various beetle species, including Ladybugs, Ground Beetles, and Japanese Beetles.

- Fireflies: During warm summer evenings, fireflies can be seen illuminating the night sky in certain areas.

It's important to note that Philadelphia's plant and animal life vary based on the specific ecosystems and habitats within the city, including parks, forests, wetlands, and urban areas.