What are some Examples of backward and forward in chicken production?

Backward Integration in Chicken Production

* Breeding of parent stock: Some chicken producers own and operate their own breeding farms, where they breed and raise the parent stock that will produce the broilers or laying hens that they will eventually sell. This allows them to have more control over the genetic traits of their chickens, such as growth rate, feed efficiency, and resistance to disease.

* Hatching of chicks: Chicken producers who own and operate their own hatcheries can carefully control the temperature, humidity, and other conditions in which the chicks are hatched. This helps to ensure that the chicks are healthy and vigorous.

* Feed production: Some chicken producers also own and operate their own feed mills, where they produce the feed that their chickens will eat. This allows them to have more control over the quality and cost of the feed.

Forward Integration in Chicken Production

* Processing of chickens: Some chicken producers own and operate their own processing plants, where they slaughter and process the chickens that they raise. This allows them to have more control over the quality and safety of the chicken that they sell to consumers.

* Distribution of chickens: Chicken producers who own and operate their own distribution networks can ensure that their chickens are delivered to retail stores and restaurants in a timely and efficient manner. This helps to maintain freshness and quality.

* Retailing of chickens: Some chicken producers own and operate their own retail stores, where they sell their chickens directly to consumers. This allows them to capture the full retail value of their chickens and build stronger relationships with customers.