How can you make a working model on deforestation?

Creating a working model on deforestation requires creative and hands-on thinking to effectively illustrate and demonstrate the process. Here's how you can make a working model on deforestation:


1. Large cardboard box (to serve as the base)

2. Craft paper or foam board

3. Paints (green, brown, black)

4. Scissors

5. Glue

6. Small toy vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.)

7. Miniature trees or plants

8. Rocks and pebbles

9. Cotton or Styrofoam balls (to represent clouds)

10. Clear tape

11. LED tea light candles or small battery-operated lights


1. Prepare the Base:

- Cut out a rectangular piece from one end of the cardboard box. This will be the opening where you can observe the model.

2. Create the Landscape:

- Paint the inside of the box with shades of green and brown to create a landscape.

- Use craft paper or foam board to make hills and valleys within the box.

3. Add Trees and Vegetation:

- Cut out various sizes of green leaves from craft paper.

- Glue the leaves onto toothpicks or skewers to create miniature trees.

- Place the miniature trees in various areas within the model.

4. Introduce Deforestation:

- Designate a section of the model to represent an area undergoing deforestation.

- Use scissors to carefully cut down some of the miniature trees.

- Place toy vehicles in this area to represent the agents of deforestation, such as logging or construction equipment.

5. Add Rocks and Pebbles:

- Glue rocks and pebbles around the base and model to enhance the natural look of the landscape.

6. Create Clouds:

- Roll up cotton balls or small pieces of Styrofoam to resemble clouds.

- Attach the clouds to the top of the box with clear tape.

7. Add Lighting:

- Place LED tea light candles or battery-operated lights strategically within the model to represent the sun and provide illumination.

8. Observe and Understand:

- Open the box from the rectangular opening to view your working model of deforestation.

- Use the miniature trees and vehicles to demonstrate how deforestation affects the environment and alters the landscape.

9. Explain and Educate:

- Explain to your audience the concept of deforestation and the harmful effects it has on ecosystems.

Your working model of deforestation should visually depict the process of clearing forests, leaving behind cleared areas and showcasing the negative impact it can have on the environment. It's a great tool for raising awareness and educating people about the importance of protecting our forests and ecosystems.