What are some charateristics in sheep that farmers look for?

Wool Quality:

* Density and fineness of the wool fibers.

* Length, crimp (curling), and luster.

* Resistance to felting and shedding.

* Uniformity of the fleece across the body.

Body Size and Conformation:

* Larger sheep generally produce more wool.

* Balanced body proportions, with good muscle development and a wide chest.

* Strong, well-shaped legs and hooves.

Temperament and Behavior:

* Gentle and easy to handle.

* Good mothering instincts and high lambing rates.

* Adaptability to the local environment and farming system.

Disease Resistance and Health:

* Natural resistance to common sheep diseases and parasites.

* Good overall health and vitality.

* No major genetic defects or predispositions to certain health conditions.

Specific Breed Characteristics:

* Some breeds may be selected for specific traits such as meat production (mutton), milk production, specific wool characteristics, or resistance to harsh weather conditions.

Farmers may prioritize different characteristics based on their specific farming goals and local circumstances, such as climate, terrain, and market demands.