Beef Showmanship Pattern Instructions

Beef showmanship patterns are used in beef cattle shows. In showmanship classes, these patterns allow the judges to view all of the contestants equally and evaluate the confirmation and movement of each animal. Showmanship classes highlight the physical characteristics of your animal and demonstrate your ability to handle the animal. Practicing the showmanship patterns help you to become a skilled showman and prepare your animal for participation in the class. Prior to participating in a class, you should watch other showmanship classes to get a feel for the patterns.

Things You'll Need

  • Cattle show stick
  • Scotch comb
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    • 1

      Enter the show ring promptly when your class is called. Make sure that you are dressed neatly and have your exhibitor number, show stick and a scotch comb with you.

    • 2

      Look for the ring official, who provides instructions on the class pattern. The class begins with a line up of the cattle.

    • 3

      Assess your position in the line. Wait for your turn and walk your calf to this position. Avoid directly following the person in front of you as this can prevent you from positioning your calf in a straight line.

    • 4

      Place your calf in the line, ensuring that you are even with the other animals. Leave three or four feet between you and the other exhibitors to make certain that your calf is easily visible by the judge. Prior to stopping, check your calf by lifting up slightly on the halter so that he knows you are preparing to stop. Use your show stick to prod your calf and move him into the correct position if necessary.

    • 5

      Square your calf by positioning his feet so that they are aligned, and make sure that his head is up. Your final position should create a straight line from head to tail, and his feet should form a rectangle. Avoid standing between your calf and the judge, as the judge should have a clear view of the animal.

    • 6

      Wait calmly for judge to view your calf. Remaining calm during this period allows your calf to relax, and it keep him from moving out of position. After viewing the calf, the judge provides you with instructions on the next step of the pattern.

    • 7

      Walk your calf out of the line towards the rail, following the instructions given by the judge. Turn left or right at the rail as instructed.

    • 8

      Walk your calf along the rail for three quarters of the ring. When circling the ring, loosen your hold on your calf to allow him to walk freely.

    • 9

      Turn away from the rail at the location designated by the official, and walk your calf to form a single file line directly behind the calf in front of you. Leave four to six feet between you and the calf in line in front of you.

    • 10

      Square your calf again using the instructions provided above. Fix any hair that is out of place on the calf using your scotch comb. Wait for the judge to review your animal.

    • 11

      Answer questions from the judge about your calf. Questions may include weight, birthdate, sire, dam, pregnancy status, feeding, parts of the animal, yield grade or quality grade.

    • 12

      Wait for the judge to view all of the animals and award prizes. Exit the ring after prizes have been announced and class is dismissed.