How to Train Miniature Donkeys

Miniature donkeys, also known as Sardinian donkeys, are trainable from an early age and can be taught to do many different things, from pulling wagons to taking part in parades. They are playful, intelligent animals, and very eager to please. However, they remember everything, so it is important never to punish or beat them, or they will lose trust in you and successful training will be difficult. With patience, kindness and rewards, you will have a lifelong friend.

Things You'll Need

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Halter
  • Lead
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    • 1

      Walk the donkey around its enclosure so that it becomes familiar with its new environment. Keep your voice and body language friendly and non-threatening to establish trust.

    • 2

      Break tasks down into small steps and reward the donkey after each small success. Begin with simple commands, such as, "follow" and "turn." Repeat what has been learned before moving on to the next command.

    • 3

      Carry a halter when approaching the donkey, to familiarize the animal with it. Feed him a carrot at the same time so that it associates the halter with something good. Slowly ease the halter over its head and fasten it. Reward it again with another carrot.

    • 4

      Lead the donkey around the enclosure by pulling gently on the rope, using voice commands at the same time. If it does not respond, pull on the rope while moving away in a circle. This will force it to take a step to keep his balance.

    • 5

      Tie the donkey to a post, then run your hands down its hind leg to the knee. Gently lift the leg, hold it in the air for a few moments and then lower it to the ground. Use positive verbal reinforcement and feed it a carrot. Repeat the exercise. This will familiarize it with grooming and help when it comes time to trim its hooves.