How to Train Pack Mules

When looking at a mule packing a load for camping or hiking trips, you may think the mule was born with this ability. It actually takes a lot of instruction to teach a mule to pack a load on his back, but you can train them to be pack mules in a few simple steps.


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      Find a mule with a nice disposition and good confirmation. A mule with poor confirmation and build is not a good choice for packing on a tough trail.

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      Train the mule to accept a halter, bridle and saddle. Work the mule on the ground until he has manners and can be trusted to stand still when asked. He should be able to pick up all four hooves, be groomed and saddled while standing still, be led around easily and respect humans. Mules that cannot do these things do not make good pack animals.

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      Buy a well-fitting pack saddle for the mule. Each animal is built differently, and no two saddles fit alike. Find a saddle that fits your mule well so that there is no rubbing, pressure points or sore backs. These things can cause the mule to act unruly, kick, sulk, not want to work and even lie down.

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      Add things to the pack saddle a little at a time. Add weight so the mule gets used to moving with weight on its back. Use objects that rattle and make noise so the mule gets used to the sounds. Also, use things that flap and blow in the wind. This is all good for the mule to learn now in case something happens on the trail.

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      Ride the mule regularly to keep him in shape and to keep him accustomed to having a rider. When on the trail, you may have to switch animals and end up riding one of the pack animals. They should be prepared and not startled if you climb onto their backs.

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      Teach the mule to follow other mules or horses in a train. Tie him to another animal and lead them around until the mule is comfortable with this. Ride another animal while leading the mule, working up to having the mule attached to more than one pack animal in a train.