What kind of plants do giraffes eat?

Giraffes primarily feed on the leaves, shoots, and buds of various woody plants, including:

1. Acacia Trees (Acacia species): Giraffes are particularly fond of acacia leaves and will often strip the branches bare. They have specially adapted lips that help them grasp and pull leaves from thorny acacia trees.

2. Combretum Trees (Combretum species): Giraffes relish the leaves and tender shoots of combretum trees, especially the Kalahari combretum (Combretum imberbe) found in Southern Africa.

3. Terminalia Trees (Terminalia species): Giraffes browse on the leaves and branches of Terminalia trees, including species such as Terminalia prunioides and Terminalia sericea.

4. Baobab Trees (Adansonia digitata): Giraffes will feed on the leaves of baobab trees, particularly when other sources of food are scarce.

5. Mimosa Trees (Mimosa species): Giraffes occasionally feed on the leaves of mimosa trees, but they are not as preferred as other plant species.

6. Ficus Trees (Ficus species): Some giraffe populations have been known to consume the leaves of fig trees, especially in the dry season when other food sources are limited.

7. Tamarind Trees (Tamarindus indica): Giraffes may occasionally feed on tamarind tree leaves, especially when they are young and tender.

In addition to these specific plant species, giraffes will also feed on a wide variety of other plants and vegetation, depending on their habitat and the availability of food sources.