What did marsupial lions eat?

Marsupial lions, also known as *Thylacoleo carnifex*, were apex predators that lived in Australia during the Pleistocene epoch. Their diet likely consisted of a variety of prey animals, including:

* Large herbivores:

* Diprotodon (giant marsupial)

* Zygomaturus (giant kangaroo)

* Sthenurus (giant kangaroo)

* Procoptodon (short-faced kangaroo)

* Macropus (kangaroo)

* Diprotodon (giant wombat)

* Smaller mammals:

* Wallabies

* Koalas

* Possums

* Reptiles:

* Lizards

* Snakes

They likely also scavenged on carcasses.

Evidence for their diet:

* Teeth: Their teeth were adapted for crushing bone and tearing flesh, similar to those of modern lions.

* Fossil remains: Remains of marsupial lions have been found alongside those of their potential prey animals.

* Isotopic analysis: Analysis of their bones reveals that they were carnivores and likely consumed large quantities of meat.

It's important to note that the exact composition of their diet could have varied depending on their location and the availability of prey.