Can polar bears eat anything when really hungry like humans?

No, polar bears are highly specialized carnivores and their bodies are not equipped to digest plant matter like humans. They rely almost entirely on seals for their diet, and their digestive system is designed specifically for processing meat and fat.

When really hungry, a polar bear might:

* Eat more seals: They can store a lot of fat, which helps them survive long periods without food.

* Hunt in new areas: They might travel further to find new hunting grounds or try different hunting strategies.

* Scavenge: They might eat carcasses of other animals, including caribou or walrus.

However, they would never eat anything like fruits, vegetables, or grains. Their bodies lack the enzymes necessary to digest these types of food.

It's important to remember that a hungry polar bear is still a powerful predator, and humans should exercise extreme caution in their presence.