* Rabbits: These herbivores love munching on leafy greens like cabbage.
* Guinea pigs: Another popular choice for them!
* Goats: They'll eat almost anything, including cabbage.
* Sheep: Another common farm animal that enjoys cabbage.
* Deer: In the wild, deer will eat cabbage if available.
* Squirrels: They might nibble on cabbage if given the chance.
* Caterpillars: Some species of caterpillars feed on cabbage, causing damage to the plant.
* Chickens: Chickens will readily eat cabbage, especially if it's chopped up.
* Geese: They'll eat a wide variety of plants, including cabbage.
* Snails: They might nibble on cabbage leaves.
It's important to note that while many animals can eat cabbage, some might experience digestive problems if they eat too much of it. It's best to offer cabbage in moderation and consult with a veterinarian for specific advice.