How do hedgehogs feed their young?

Hedgehogs are mammals and therefore nurse their young with milk. Here's how it works:

* Nest: Hedgehog mothers build a nest of leaves, twigs, and grass in a safe, sheltered spot.

* Litter: A litter of hedgehogs can be anywhere from one to ten, but typically there are four to six.

* Nursing: The mother hedgehog nurses her babies for about six weeks, providing them with all the nutrition they need to grow and develop.

* Weaning: Once the young hedgehogs are about six weeks old, they begin to eat solid food and are weaned from their mother's milk.

It's important to note: Hedgehogs are solitary creatures, and the mother only cares for her own young. She may leave the nest for brief periods to forage for food, but she will always return to care for her babies.