What do black bears feed their young?

Black bear mothers feed their cubs primarily on milk for the first few months of their lives.

Once cubs start to venture out of the den and explore, their diet will gradually transition to include solid foods, such as:

* Berries and other fruits: These make up a significant portion of a black bear's diet, especially during the summer and fall.

* Insects: Black bears are opportunistic feeders and will eat various insects, including ants, beetles, and grubs.

* Roots and tubers: These provide important carbohydrates and nutrients.

* Small animals: Black bears may also prey on small mammals like rodents, rabbits, and squirrels.

* Fish: Black bears are known to fish, especially in areas with abundant salmon populations.

* Carrion: They will scavenge on dead animals when available.

The mother bear will teach her cubs how to forage and find food. This process is crucial for the cubs' survival and development.