If a mama rabbit leaves her babies what should you feed them?

It is crucial to understand that you should never attempt to feed a wild rabbit baby.

Here's why:

* Mother's Milk is Essential: Wild rabbit kits are entirely dependent on their mother's milk for the first few weeks of life. They need specific nutrients and antibodies found only in their mother's milk.

* Improper Feeding Can Be Fatal: Attempting to feed them anything other than their mother's milk can lead to serious health problems and even death.

* Interfering with Nature: You should never intervene in a wild animal's life unless there is a clear and immediate threat to their safety.

If you find a wild rabbit kit:

* Observe from a Distance: If the kit is alone, the mother is likely nearby. Watch from a distance to see if she returns.

* Contact a Wildlife Rehabilitator: If the kit is injured or you are concerned about its well-being, contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center or animal control. They have the expertise to care for orphaned or injured wild animals.

Remember, interfering with a wild animal's life can do more harm than good. It's best to observe from a distance and let nature take its course.