* Acacia leaves: These are their favorite food and make up the majority of their diet. They can reach high into the trees to get the tastiest leaves.
* Other leaves and twigs: They also eat leaves from other trees like combretaceae, mimosa, and euphorbia.
* Fruits: Giraffes sometimes enjoy fruits like mangoes and figs.
* Flowers: They may also nibble on flowers when available.
Interestingly, giraffes have evolved to be able to eat leaves from the top branches of tall trees:
* Long necks: Their long necks let them reach higher than other animals, giving them access to abundant food sources.
* Prehensile tongues: Their tongues are long, sticky, and strong enough to pull leaves off branches.
* Strong jaws and teeth: They have powerful jaws and specialized teeth for grinding tough leaves.
Even though they eat a lot of food, giraffes are very picky eaters and only eat certain parts of the plants they find. This helps ensure they get all the nutrients they need to survive.