Do grizzly bears cover their food?

Grizzly bears do not typically cover their food.

Here's why:

* Scavenging: Grizzlies are opportunistic omnivores. They often scavenge on carcasses left by other animals, meaning they don't need to store food for later.

* Large Appetite: Grizzlies have a large appetite and can consume a significant amount of food in a single sitting. They rarely have leftovers.

* Competition: Grizzlies are solitary animals, and competition for food can be fierce. Covering food would be impractical as it could easily be discovered by other bears.

* Natural Decomposition: Grizzly bears are not known to bury their food, which would be unnecessary given that nature quickly breaks down carcasses.

However, there are some exceptions:

* Salmon: During the salmon spawning season, grizzly bears might bury some salmon in shallow pits to preserve them for later consumption.

* Young cubs: A mother grizzly might partially cover a kill to protect it from scavengers while she attends to her cubs.

In general, though, grizzly bears are not known for covering their food. They rely on their large appetite and scavenging instincts to obtain enough sustenance.