What animals do coyotes eat?

Coyotes are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they'll eat a variety of things depending on what's available. Here's a breakdown of their diet:

Primary Foods:

* Small mammals: This is the core of their diet, including rodents (like mice, rats, voles, and rabbits), squirrels, and other small mammals.

* Birds: They prey on birds, both on the ground and in trees.

* Insects: They'll eat a variety of insects, especially grasshoppers and beetles.

Secondary Foods:

* Larger mammals: Coyotes will sometimes take down deer fawns, young livestock (like sheep and goats), or even weak, sick, or injured adult animals.

* Carrion: Coyotes are scavengers and will eat dead animals, including roadkill.

* Fruits and vegetables: They'll eat fruits (especially berries), nuts, and other plant matter when available.

* Reptiles: Occasionally, coyotes will eat snakes and lizards.

Factors Affecting Diet:

* Location: Their diet varies based on the environment they live in. In areas with lots of rabbits, they'll eat more rabbits. In areas with lots of fruit, they'll eat more fruit.

* Time of year: During breeding season, they need more food to raise pups.

* Competition: The presence of other predators (like wolves, bears, or mountain lions) can affect what they eat.

It's important to note: While coyotes are known for their scavenging habits, they are also skilled hunters and can be very successful at catching prey.