How do you train a 9 week old ferret that started biting your toes fingers etc not to bite?

Here are some tips for training your 9-week-old ferret not to bite:

1. Redirect their attention. When your ferret bites you, immediately redirect their attention to a toy or treat. This will help them to learn that biting is not the desired behavior and that there are more appropriate ways to get your attention.

2. Use positive reinforcement. When your ferret behaves well, such as playing with a toy or not biting, reward them with a treat or praise. This will help them to understand what behaviors are desired and will encourage them to continue behaving in this way.

3. Be consistent. It is important to be consistent with your training methods so that your ferret knows what is expected of them. If you let them bite you sometimes but not others, they will not understand what they are doing wrong.

4. Be patient. Training a ferret takes time and patience. It may take several weeks or even months for your ferret to learn not to bite. Just keep at it and eventually, they will get the hang of it.

Here are some additional tips that may be helpful:

* Avoid playing with your ferret with your hands. This can teach them that it is okay to bite your fingers.

* If your ferret bites you, don't overreact. This will only make them more likely to bite again. Simply redirect their attention and try again.

* If your ferret is persistent in biting, you may need to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for further assistance.