Venom Injection:
1. Ambush and Strike: The king cobra is an ambush predator. It typically lies in wait, often camouflaged among foliage or on branches. When it detects prey, it strikes swiftly and injects its venom.
2. Neuromuscular Venom: The king cobra's venom is primarily neurotoxic, meaning it affects the nervous system. The venom contains potent toxins that target the victim's respiratory centers and cause rapid paralysis.
Subduing the Prey:
3. Immobilization: After injecting the venom, the king cobra waits for its prey to become immobilized. The venom takes effect within minutes, depending on the size of the prey.
4. Constriction (Some Cases): In some instances, the king cobra may also use constriction to subdue larger prey. It coils around the victim and exerts pressure, further immobilizing it. However, constriction is not as commonly seen in king cobras as it is in other species of snakes.
5. Whole Consumption: Once the prey is immobilized, the king cobra begins to feed. It usually swallows the prey whole, starting from the head end. The snake's jaws and throat are highly flexible, allowing it to consume large prey despite its relatively slender body.
6. Digestion: The king cobra has a slow metabolism, and the digestion process can take several days or even weeks. The snake's digestive system breaks down the prey's tissues and nutrients are absorbed.
7. Regurgitation: If the king cobra encounters food that is too large or indigestible, it may regurgitate the meal. This is a defense mechanism to prevent injury or discomfort.
King cobras are opportunistic predators, and their diet primarily consists of other snakes, including rat snakes, pythons, and even other king cobras. They may also occasionally feed on small mammals, birds, and even lizards.