Where do seals live in Canada?

Seals can be found in all three oceans surrounding Canada: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. Their specific habitats vary depending on species.

Atlantic Ocean:

- Grey seals: rocky shores of the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland

- Harbour seals: bays and estuaries along the coasts of the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland

- Harp seals: pack ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Newfoundland Grand Banks

Pacific Ocean:

- Steller sea lions: Vancouver Island, the Queen Charlotte Islands, and Haida Gwaii

- California sea lions: coastal waters of British Columbia

- Harbour seals: coastal waters of British Columbia

Arctic Ocean:

- Ringed seals: pack ice near the Arctic coasts of Canada

- Bearded seals: Arctic coast and sea ice

- Spotted seals: pack ice in the Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf