Do raccoons or squirrels make nests in aborvitae trees?

Both raccoons and squirrels can make nests in arborvitae trees, though it's more common for squirrels. Here's why:

* Squirrels: Arborvitae trees provide excellent nesting material for squirrels. They have dense foliage that offers good protection and concealment, and their branches can support squirrel nests. Squirrels often build their nests in tree cavities or create them by gnawing out sections of the wood.

* Raccoons: While raccoons are known for their adaptability and will use a variety of locations for nesting, they are less likely to make nests in arborvitae trees. They prefer higher locations with better access to food and water. They often nest in attics, barns, hollow trees, or even on the ground.

Factors that might influence nesting:

* Tree size and age: Arborvitae trees need to be large enough and mature enough to provide suitable nesting locations.

* Location: If the arborvitae is located near a source of food and water, it might be more attractive to squirrels and raccoons.

* Availability of other nesting sites: If there are other suitable nesting locations nearby, squirrels and raccoons might choose them over arborvitae trees.

Important note: While both squirrels and raccoons can nest in arborvitae trees, it's generally best to avoid planting them near your home. They can attract unwanted wildlife, and their nests can cause damage to the trees.