Here's a breakdown of their movements:
* Home Range: Raccoons will establish a home range, typically around 10-100 acres, which they will use for foraging and finding shelter. This home range isn't necessarily exclusive, and other raccoons might overlap their territories.
* Movement: Raccoons are adaptable and opportunistic. They will wander outside their home range, especially if food is scarce or there are other attractive resources in the area.
* Seasonal Changes: In the fall, when food is plentiful, raccoons might wander more extensively to take advantage of opportunities.
* Young Raccoons: Young raccoons will usually stay with their mother until they are around a year old, but then they will disperse to find their own territories.
So, while raccoons do have home ranges, they are not confined to them and will move around as needed. This is why they are often considered a nuisance in urban areas, as they can easily wander into neighborhoods and find food sources.