* Elm bark beetles: These insects are notorious for carrying Dutch elm disease, which can be fatal to elm trees.
* Leaf beetles: Various species feed on elm leaves, including the elm leaf beetle, which can cause significant defoliation.
* Caterpillars: Many moths and butterflies lay their eggs on elm trees, and their caterpillars feed on leaves.
* Aphids: These tiny insects suck sap from elm trees, causing leaf curling and honeydew production.
* Lace bugs: These insects damage elm leaves by sucking sap and injecting toxins.
* Woodpeckers: These birds are attracted to elm trees because they often have insect infestations.
* Nuthatches: These birds often forage for insects on the trunks and branches of elm trees.
* Chickadees: These small birds also feed on insects and often nest in cavities in elm trees.
* Robins: Robins can build their nests in the branches of elm trees.
* Squirrels: Squirrels often use elm trees for nesting and feeding.
* Raccoons: Raccoons may build dens in elm trees, especially in hollowed-out cavities.
* Opossums: Opossums are also known to use elm trees for shelter and nesting.
* Bats: Some bat species may roost in the cavities of elm trees.
Other animals:
* Snakes: Snakes may hide in the branches and cavities of elm trees.
* Lizards: Lizards can be found hunting insects in elm trees.
Important note: The presence of specific animals in elm trees may vary depending on the location, tree age, health, and surrounding habitat.