* Raccoons: These clever critters are well-known for their scavenging habits, rummaging through garbage and eating leftover food.
* Foxes: Both red and grey foxes are opportunistic scavengers, taking advantage of carrion (dead animals) and even raiding bird feeders.
* Bears: While bears are primarily omnivores, they will happily scavenge if given the chance.
* Coyotes: These adaptable canids often scavenge on roadkill and other dead animals.
* Wolves: Wolves, especially in areas with limited prey, will scavenge on carcasses.
* Badgers: While they are mostly insectivores, badgers are known to scavenge on carrion and will raid bird nests.
* Vultures: These powerful birds are specialized scavengers, feeding on carrion and playing a vital role in keeping ecosystems clean.
* Ravens: These intelligent birds are omnivores and will scavenge on a variety of food sources, including carrion.
* Crows: Similar to ravens, crows are omnivorous and will eat dead animals, as well as other food sources.
* Beetles: Many species of beetles are attracted to decaying matter and will feed on dead animals.
* Flies: Flies are known to lay their eggs on carrion, and their larvae will feed on the decaying flesh.
It's important to note that many animals in the forest are omnivores and will scavenge opportunistically, even if they primarily hunt or gather other food sources.