What other animals has spots on its coat like giraffe?

There are many animals besides giraffes that have spots on their coats! Here are some examples:


* Leopards: These big cats have beautiful rosettes (spots with a center ring).

* Cheetahs: These fast runners have black spots that look more like solid dots than rosettes.

* Jaguars: Jaguars have rosettes like leopards, but they are larger and more elaborate.

* Pumas: These large cats have small, scattered spots, especially on their cubs.

* Dalmatian dogs: These dogs are known for their distinctive black or brown spots on a white coat.

* Spotted hyenas: These African mammals have brown spots on their tan coat.

* Okapi: Also known as the "forest giraffe," okapi have stripes and spots on their legs and body.

* Squirrels: Some squirrel species, like the American gray squirrel, have spots on their fur.


* Spotted owls: These nocturnal birds have large, dark spots on their white chest.

* Kea: These New Zealand parrots have orange feathers with black spots.

* Spotted doves: These small birds have distinctive black spots on their wings.


* Clownfish: These brightly-colored fish have orange and white stripes and spots.

* Leopard sharks: These sharks have distinctive spots similar to leopards.

* Spotted moray eels: These eels have spots that can be yellow, black, or white.


* Spotted salamanders: These salamanders have black spots on their dark brown skin.

* Leopard frogs: These frogs have large, dark spots on their green skin.

This is just a small sampling of the many animals with spots. There are many other species, both large and small, that have unique spotted patterns.