Here's why it's less common:
* Habitat Requirements: Manatees require large, temperature-controlled pools that mimic their natural freshwater and saltwater habitats. This can be expensive and challenging to maintain.
* Social Needs: Manatees are social animals and need companionship, making it important to have multiple individuals in a zoo setting.
* Conservation Concerns: Many zoos prioritize conservation efforts by focusing on animals facing greater threats in the wild.
However, some zoos do have manatees! Some notable examples include:
* The Florida Aquarium: This aquarium has a large exhibit featuring rescued manatees that are rehabilitated and sometimes released back into the wild.
* The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens: They have a manatee exhibit with a large, temperature-controlled pool.
* The Houston Zoo: They have a manatee exhibit that showcases these gentle giants.
If you're interested in seeing manatees, it's best to check the websites of specific zoos in your area or those known for having manatee exhibits.