What type of terrain do bears live in?

Bears can live in a surprisingly diverse range of terrains, but generally prefer areas with:

Forest and Woodlands: This is the most common habitat for bears, providing food sources like berries, nuts, and insects, as well as shelter and protection from predators.

Mountainous Regions: Many bear species thrive in mountainous areas, where they can find a variety of vegetation and access to high-elevation meadows for grazing.

Coastal Areas: Some bear species, like the brown bear and polar bear, are adapted to coastal habitats. They find food in the form of salmon and other marine life, and use the shoreline for denning and raising young.

Wetlands: Bears can be found in wetland areas, especially where there's a good supply of berries, roots, and fish.

Tundra: Polar bears are specifically adapted to the Arctic tundra, relying on ice and snow for hunting seals.

However, it's important to remember that:

* Specific habitat preferences vary by bear species: Polar bears are adapted to the Arctic, while black bears can be found in various forest types.

* Within each habitat, bears seek out specific resources: They might prefer areas with dense berry bushes, streams with salmon, or forested areas with a good supply of nuts.

Overall, bears are adaptable creatures that can thrive in a variety of environments, as long as they have access to the resources they need to survive.