How to Make a Self Standing Ferret Hammock

Pet ferrets sleep in warm, soft places that shape around their bodies. This is why most domesticated ferrets sleep in hammocks. Ferrets spend the majority of the day sleeping and need a comfortable place to curl up for a nap. A self-standing ferret hammock allows the versatility of choosing the hammock location in the cage or room. These beds are lightweight, easy-to-build and last for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Heavy fleece, denim or thick, soft material, 3-feet by 3-feet
  • 4 pieces of heavy fleece, denim or thick material, 6-inches by 3-inches each
  • Sewing machine, or needle and thread
  • 4 PVC pipes, 1/2-inch diameter, 3-feet long
  • 4 PVC pipes, 1/2-inch diameter, 1-foot long
  • 4 PVC 3-way corner connectors, 1/2-inch diameter
  • 4 PVC flat-end caps, 1/2-inch diameter
  • PVC glue
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    • 1

      Create a 1/4-inch hem around the outside of the 3-by-3-foot piece of material. The hem will keep the fabric from fraying over time. It must be a heavyweight material to hold the ferret's weight. Some ferret owners have made hammocks out of old sweat shirts, blue jeans or blankets.

    • 2

      Make loops from the 6-by-3-inch pieces of material by folding them in half, and then sew them to the corners of the 3-foot by 3-foot piece. Attach the loops 1/2 inch from each corner, and triple-stitch the loop for extra support. The edges of these loops can be hemmed first, if the material is prone to fraying.

    • 3

      Lay the 3-foot long PVC pipes in a square shape on the floor or other hard surface. Connect the pipes together at the corners with the three-way corner connectors. Point all the open ports of the corner connectors upward.

    • 4

      Slide the 1-foot-long pipes into the open ports on the corner connectors. This bed will stand 1-foot off the ground. To make a shorter or taller ferret hammock, cut the lengths of these pipes to the desired height.

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      Glue around the outside edge of the open end of the 1-foot pipes, and place the end caps onto the edges.

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      Turn the PVC pipe frame over, so it is standing on the 1-foot pipes. Pull the corner pieces off one at a time, and slide the loops onto the pipe from the hammock you made, from the 3-by-3-foot piece of material. Stretch out the material so that it is spread evenly over the frame.

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      Apply glue along the inside edge of all the ports on the three-way connectors, and push the pipes back into the connectors. Allow the glue to dry.