Which specie would be more harmed by environmental change that wiped out one of its habitat raccoon or mountain gorillas?

The mountain gorilla would be more harmed by environmental change that wiped out one of its habitats than the raccoon.

Raccoons are highly adaptable animals that can survive in a variety of habitats, including forests, swamps, and even urban areas. They are opportunistic omnivores that can eat a wide variety of foods, and they are able to reproduce rapidly. As a result, raccoons are able to thrive in a variety of environments, and they are not likely to be severely impacted by the loss of a single habitat.

Mountain gorillas, on the other hand, are highly specialized animals that are only found in the Virunga Mountains of Central Africa. They are strict herbivores that rely on a specific type of vegetation for food, and they are not able to adapt to other habitats. As a result, mountain gorillas are highly vulnerable to environmental change, and the loss of a single habitat could have a devastating impact on their population.

In conclusion, the mountain gorilla would be more harmed by environmental change that wiped out one of its habitats than the raccoon.