Why does a hare run along zigzag path when bigger animal chases it?

A hare runs along a zigzag path when a bigger animal chases it to evade capture. This behavior is known as dodging or jinking. There are a few reasons why a hare uses this strategy:

1. To confuse the predator: By constantly changing direction, the hare makes it difficult for the predator to predict its movement. This can cause the predator to lose sight of the hare or to misjudge its distance and speed.

2. To slow down the predator: The zig-zagging motion of the hare forces the predator to change direction as well. This can slow down the pursuit, giving the hare a better chance of escape.

3. To create an opportunity for escape: If the predator is able to catch up to the hare, the zig-zagging path can provide an opening for the hare to escape in a different direction.

This strategy is not unique to hares. Many other animals, including rabbits, deer, and antelope, use zig-zagging to avoid predators. It is an effective survival technique that can help animals to escape from predators and survive to reproduce.