What is the wildlife in South Carolina?


White-tailed deer, found throughout the state

Wild boar, found in the coastal counties

Black bear, found in the mountainous regions

Bobcat, found throughout the state

Coyote, found throughout the state

Gray fox, found throughout the state

Red fox, found in the northern and coastal counties

Raccoon, found throughout the state

Opossum, found throughout the state

Armadillo, found in the coastal counties


Wild turkey, found throughout the state

Mourning dove, found throughout the state

Bobwhite quail, found in the northern and coastal counties

American woodcock, found in the northern and coastal counties

Mallard duck, found throughout the state

Wood duck, found throughout the state

Canada goose, found throughout the state

Snow goose, found in the coastal counties

Great blue heron, found throughout the state

Great egret, found throughout the state


Alligator, found in the coastal counties

American alligator, found in the coastal counties

Snapping turtle, found throughout the state

Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, found in the coastal counties

Timber rattlesnake, found in the mountainous regions

Copperhead, found throughout the state

Cottonmouth, found in the coastal counties


Bullfrog, found throughout the state

Leopard frog, found throughout the state

Green frog, found throughout the state

Wood frog, found in the northern and mountainous counties

Spring peeper, found in the northern and mountainous counties

Eastern newt, found in the northern and mountainous counties


Largemouth bass, found throughout the state

Striped bass, found in the coastal counties

Flounder, found in the coastal counties

Trout, found in the mountainous regions

Catfish, found throughout the state

Bream, found throughout the state

Crappie, found throughout the state