How do red pandas move around?

Climbing: Their semi-retractable claws and flexible wrists enable them to climb quickly and skillfully through trees. They can scale vertical surfaces, hang upside down, and easily change direction while climbing.

Walking on the Ground: Although they spend most of their time in the trees, red pandas can move around on the ground when necessary. Their feet are adapted for both climbing and walking, with padded soles and sharp claws that provide stability and traction.

Sliding: One of the unique ways red pandas move is by sliding down trees headfirst. They sit on a branch or high point, tuck their limbs close to their body, and gracefully descend by gravity, using their tail for balance.

Jumping: Red pandas are capable of jumping between branches and trees. Their strong legs and flexible bodies allow them to leap surprisingly large distances to reach different parts of their forest habitat.

Tail as a Balancer: Their long, bushy tail serves as an essential balancing tool. It helps them maintain stability while climbing and leaping and provides counterbalance while maneuvering through dense foliage.