- North American Woodland Bison (_Bison bison athabascae_): Listed as endangered, this subspecies of bison once roamed the woodlands and grasslands of Canada. Despite conservation efforts, population decline continues due to habitat loss, hunting, and disease transmission from cattle.
- Red-cockaded Woodpecker (_Picoides borealis_): This woodpecker species relies on mature pine forests in the southeastern United States. Habitat loss from logging, urban development, and fire suppression has reduced the Red-cockaded Woodpecker's population, leading its classification as endangered.
- Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (_Sistrurus catenatus catenatus_): Found in wetlands, prairies, and savannas in the Midwest, this rattlesnake faces multiple threats, including habitat fragmentation, hunting, and road mortality. It has an endangered status in parts of its range.
- Cheat Mountain Salamander (_Plethodon nettingi_): This salamander species is restricted to Cheat Mountain in West Virginia. With a small population and potential threats from climate change and habitat loss, it is considered endangered.
Temperate Shrublands:
- Coastal California Gnatcatcher (_Polioptila californica californica_): This small bird species is found in sage scrub, chaparral, and coastal habitats along the California coast. Population decline due to habitat loss from development, drought, and wildfires has elevated its status to endangered.
- Pygmy Rabbit (_Brachylagus idahoensis_): Limited to the sagebrush steppe of the Western United States, the Pygmy Rabbit is vulnerable to habitat degradation caused by invasive species, climate change, and land conversion. It has an endangered designation in some regions.