Lymphoma is classified by the part of the body where the cancer starts. Some forms of lymphoma include multicentric, which originates in the lymph nodes, and gastrointestinal, which involves the stomach and intestines.
Some symptoms to watch for are enlarged external lymph nodes, loss of appetite and lethargy.
Tests are generally performed in order to rule out other diseases, and may include a complete blood count, a urinalysis and chest x-rays. Abdominal x-rays and ultrasounds may also be performed to check for enlarged lymph nodes or internal organs.
Chemotherapy is usually recommended, and drugs such as Prednisone and Doxorubicin are commonly prescribed.
Lymphoma, like any cancer, is not preventable. It is possible to improve your ferret's chances of remission and recovery if the cancer is caught in its early stages, so see your vet if your ferret is showing any signs of lymphoma.