Heartworm Prevention for Ferrets

Heartworm disease in ferrets is a dangerous, often deadly, condition. Because of the ferret's small size, it only takes one heartworm to kill a ferret, says the ferret website weaselwords.com. Treatment of heartworms in ferrets is very risky; therefore, the administration of heartworm prevention to ferrets is highly recommended.
  1. Heartworms and the Ferret

    • Heartworms are the most dangerous parasites for ferrets, according to the veterinary website peteducation.com. The worms block major arteries that lead to the lungs, causing cardiac failure and ultimately, death. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes; therefore, ferrets who spend time outdoors are at a higher risk than ferrets who live exclusively indoors. However, even ferrets who never go outside still have the potential to contract heartworms, as mosquitoes can venture indoors through holes in window screens and open doors. All ferrets, even those who never leave the home, should take heartworm preventative.

    Ferret Heartworm Preventative

    • Give your ferret heartworm preventative once a month to keep it from contracting heartworm disease. Administer the medication when mosquitoes are in season and one month after that, says peteducation.com. However, ferrets who live in states that are affected by mosquitoes year round should be treated accordingly. The ferret health website miamiferret.org suggests giving your ferret the liquid preventative Ivermectin. Add 0.3 mL of one-percent Invermectin injectable to one ounce of propylene glycol. Give your ferret 0.1 mL per pound of body weight once a month, says the website. Consult your veterinarian for exact dosage based on your ferret's specific needs.

      Heartgard for cats can also be given to ferrets for the prevention of heartworms. The pills are flavored; therefore, should be quite palatable for your ferret. To make the pills even more enticing, miamiferret.org suggests placing a few drops of Ferretone food supplement on the tablet. Consult your veterinarian as to which preventative would work best for your ferret.

    Symptoms of Heartworm Disease

    • Take your ferret to your veterinarian if it coughs, seems tired all of the time and becomes worn out after brief amounts of activity, as these could be symptoms of heartworm disease. Fluid builds in the abdomen because of the cardiac failure, which causes these symptoms, according to peteducation.com. Heartworm disease can cause death in a ferret very quickly; therefore, take you ferret to the doctor as soon as possible if you are concerned.

      Preventing heartworms in ferrets is much easier, safer and cheaper than the treatment of a heartworm infection. In order to give your ferret the best care possible, make the administration of heartworm preventative part of its care.