What Are the Causes of Hair Loss in Ferrets?

When your pet ferret starts to lose its hair, it can be very alarming. There are several reasons for the loss of hair, called alopecia, and not all of them are serious. Careful attention and care will ensure that your ferret stays happy and healthy.
  1. Seasonal Molting

    • Ferrets will have a period of heavy shedding in the spring or early summer. This is a normal occurrence, and the hair should grow back within a few weeks.

    Hormonal Imbalances

    • Certain adrenal tumors or a prolonged heat cycle can cause a ferret to lose its hair in a specific pattern. This type of hair loss usually begins at the tail base and moves to the underbelly.

    Tail Alopecia

    • More common in male ferrets, tail alopecia, or hair loss on the tail, occasionally occurs in the spring. The cause is undetermined, but the hair usually grows back after the spring molt.

    Flea Allergy

    • When a ferret is allergic to fleas, the bites can cause severe itching, along with hair loss. Treatment for the fleas generally alleviates this problem.


    • As with any pet, if your ferret shows signs of an illness, such as hair loss, you should consult your veterinarian. Hair loss in ferrets can be the sign of a serious, if not fatal, disease.