Ferret Adrenal Treatment

The adrenal glands are a pair of glands located in front of the kidneys in ferrets. Adrenal disease in ferrets is a medical condition characterized by the presence of either cancerous or non-cancerous tumors on the adrenal gland and is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases in ferrets, according to the University of Georgia-Athens.
  1. Function

    • The purpose of ferret adrenal disease treatment is either to remove the tumor with a cryosurgery. If the tumor cannot be removed, veterinarians prescribe medications to decrease levels of hormones that contribute to the growth of the adrenal gland tumors, but these treatments do not cure the disease.

    Types of Medication

    • Medications used to treat ferret adrenal disease include leuprolide, melatonin, anastrozole and mitotane.

    Time Frame

    • Leuprolide is administered through injections either once per month or once every three to four months, depending on the dosage used to treat the adrenal tumor. Melatonin is given as an implant under the skin, which can last three to four months.


    • Prescription medications used to treat ferret adrenal disease are not always effective. In the case of drugs like anastrozole, treatment can also be very expensive.


    • Approximately 90 percent of ferrets who undergo successful surgery for adrenal disease recover, according to Ferret Universe. There is a risk, however, that the disease will return later in life.