What Are the Causes of Diarrhea in Ferrets?

Diarrhea is a very common medical problem in ferrets, according to DrsFosterandSmith.com. This is partially because there are numerous illnesses and infections that cause diarrhea in ferrets.
  1. Identification

    • At times, infections are caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites. Medical conditions including inflammation of the colon or colitis, eosinophilic gastroenteritis or inflammation of the stomach, cancer, or inflammatory bowel disease also cause diarrhea in ferrets.


    • In some cases, changes in the type of food you give your ferret can cause mild diarrhea. Ingesting a foreign object also has the potential to cause diarrhea.

    Types of Infections

    • Bacterial and viral infections that cause diarrhea in ferrets include rotavirus, the corona virus, helicobacter mustelae, campylobacter jejuni and salmonella. Ferrets are also vulnerable to intestinal parasites such as giardia and coccidia.

    Time Frame

    • Many bacterial and viral infections affect younger ferrets, such as those 20 weeks of age or younger, according to DrsFosterandSmith.com.


    • Because the possible causes for diarrhea in ferrets are so diverse, it is best to have your pet looked at by a veterinarian if it develops loose or watery stools.